Publish date :2021.11.29
The natural biologically active peptides in the human body mainly include peptide hormones secreted by some important endocrine glands in the body.
They are high-efficiency biologically active substances secreted by endocrine glands or endocrine cells. They serve as messengers in the body to transmit information. By regulating the metabolic activities of various tissue cells, the body forms a highly rigorous control system, thereby affecting growth, development,reproduction, and metabolism. And behaviors and other life processes.
At different ages, the secretion of various biologically active peptides is also very different. According to the secretion, a person's life can generally be divided into the following 4 periods:
§ Vigorous secretion period (adolescence before the age of 25)
During this period, the endocrine system is fully functional, the secretion of various biologically active peptides is balanced, the human body has a strong immune function, and the human body is generally not prone to diseases. After the age of 25, the secretion volume will decrease year by year at a rate of 15% every 10 years.
§ Insufficient secretion period (30-50 years old and middle-aged)
Around the age of 30, various organs and tissues of the human body begin to age and shrink, and their functions decline. The secretion of various biologically active peptides is only 85% of the peak period. When a person reaches the age of about 45, both men and women experience rapid decline from appearance to body physiology. A series of changes occur in the functions of the human nervous system and immune system, and various related sub-health states and mild disease symptoms appear.
§ Secretory deficiency period (middle-aged and elderly over 50 years old)
By the age of 60, the secretion of active peptides is only about 1/5 of the peak period, and by the age of 80, only 1/10 is left. During this period, if the active peptide is seriously insufficient and severely imbalanced, very prominent symptoms of aging may appear, or various related diseases may occur.
During this period, due to cell function decline, organ failure and loss, no more active peptides are secreted, which leads to the end of life.
With the natural aging of the human body, the number of active peptides secreted by the human body will gradually decrease.
However, the fast pace of modern life, fierce competition for survival, high emotional pressure, environmental pollution, unhealthy dietary structure and other factors have caused the human body to generally be in a sub-healthy state, with overloaded functional organs and decreased physiological functions.
Exogenous small molecule peptides not only have good nutritional value, but also regulate the body's metabolism and physiological functions, which are very important for maintaining normal life activities.
Therefore, for any population, supplementation of exogenous small molecule peptides is very beneficial.
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